I wanted to take a few moments to apologize for letting holiday craziness momentarily control my blog. I'd like to say it won't happen again, but you know it will. I also wanted to thank Lauren for reading (Hi, Lauren!).
So basically if you have a Publix in your neck of the woods, you should get there pronto, especially if you're a fruit eater. They have cherries and apricots for $2.99/lb, which are usually so darn expensive. Strawberries and blueberries are on sale for $2.99 a container, and the blueberries are in the big pint containers, not the little ones. I bought two to eat and one to freeze. There are a few veggie deals going on as well. Pre-bagged veggie mixes are 3 for $5, brocolli and cauliflower are 2 for $4, and butternut and acorn squash are $.99/lb.
Here's a quick little recipe that I've been throwing on pancakes and french toast. So easy and streets ahead of syrup. Plus it looks really impressive.
1 tbl sugar
1 tbl water
1/2 berries
Stir together in a sauce pan on high while you're making whatever you're making. Let it boil together for a few minutes, but don't set off the smoke alarm like I did. Turn the heat off and it will thicken up a little. Add more sugar if needed. Pour it over anything you'd put syrup on. You can thank me later.
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