Saturday, April 17, 2010

Join the Five Dollar Family on a Food Revolution

Okay. Listen up!

I am encouraging you to take action, and action starts in the home, in particular my home. I have a proposition for everyone. The Big Guy and I want to start a Food Revolution dinner party. We really enjoy what Jamie Oliver is doing and want to get involved.

The Proposal:
We want to open up our home every other Saturday evening, say 5:30, to all our family and friends that want to participate. All you have to do is bring a HEALTHY covered dish and show up. We're trying to get new ideas for healthy meals that we can make at home so we won't resort to processed food just because it's cheap and easy. We are in a dinner rut, and I'm sure we're not the only ones. So bring your healthy dish, your ideas, yourselves and anyone else who needs a dinner boost.

The Response:
Please, please, PLEASE let me know if this is something you'd like try. Don't feel like you can't come just because you don't know me well. This is also a great opportunity for people to get to know each other. I'd like to schedule the first party for Saturday, May 1, but I need to know if anyone is interested. I will report a firm date and time depending on response volume.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Dinner - $0

I spent nothing on dinner last night. We had leftover spaghetti from the in-laws that I froze and thawed, including the noodles. I wasn't aware you could do this, but my mother-in-law told me I could freeze the noodles and then dip them in boiling water to bring them back. They weren't quite as good as fresh noodles, but edible, especially after I put sauce on them. Our beverage was provided by my sister who left a bottle of Coke at my house. So totally free. I like it.

My deals this week were provided by Big Lots. If you've never been there, you should go. I found DeCecco organic fusilli for $1 a box. This is the brand used on Lydia's Italy, so I was very excited. I also found Panko breadcrumbs for $1.25. I haven't tried these yet, but my mom swears it's the best breading she's ever used. That's what's for dinner tonight along with acorn squash from the farmer's market, 2 for $1, and sautéed zucchini that I think I paid too much for, 3 big ones for $2. That makes dinner about $2.31 a serving, and makes me a success.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

The Royal Order of the Mooch

Our daily totals over the weekend were great, or at least mine were. I think the big guy went over a little on Saturday because he didn't take a lunch to work. But the reason we did so well is because we didn't eat at home much; we ate at other people's houses. Saturday we ate with the in-laws and Sunday we ate corned beef with my family. I love corned beef.

The moral of the story is, if you eat at someone else's house, it costs you nothing.

I have not gotten the big guy's total for yesterday, but mine was $4.13. We had a super cheap and wonderful dinner last night. Here's the break-down:

Chicken leg quarters, BOGO at Winn-Dixie, roasted with citrus grill seasoning = $1.12 per quarter
Red potatoes, chopped and sauteed with rosemary and parsley = $.13 per serving
Head of broccoli, steamed and drizzled with Italian dressing = $.25 per serving

Grand total = $1.50 per serving

By the way, last week at the farmer's market, I bought the brocolli for $1.00. So if you're a broccoli-eater, that's the place to get it. But I think the deal of the day was on the herbs I bought. I got giant clumps of parsley, dill, and cilantro for $.50 each. The farmer's market is a magical place.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Day 1 or Epic Failure

Actually, we didn't do too badly. Here's a run-down of our costs per person:

.13 to make coffee
.20 instant oatmeal
.17 bananas, which was too much, but I needed them
.04 shampoo per day
2.75 quesadillas (1.75 for cheese, .10 for sour cream, .45 for beans, .30 for olives, .15 for tortillas)
.30 for most of the baby food

We drank water all day for the most part. I'm using a shower gel that I won at a baby shower, and David uses Dial that I got at Big Lots so cheap that it's less than a penny a day.

After our various snacks, the grand totals are

Me = $5.51
Big Chief = $8.19
Little Chief = $2.83

So the big guy is hemorrhaging money. Basically, it was my fault. I had an uber cheap lentil soup planned, but I let him talk me into quesadillas, which were great, but he needed two of them to feel satisfied. I have a feeling he's going to be my Achilles heel, as if he wasn't already.

Since we've already blown our totals for the day, I'm off to make cookies. If we eat them all, they won't count toward tomorrow's totals.